Your Skin Needs this All Natural Balm

We’ve discovered an incredible new product no matter your skin type, an all-natural skincare balm with so many uses that you’ll want to keep it close by at all times. All skin types benefit remarkably from this healing balm, from infants to the elderly. This is a gotta-have for anyone who may have to deal with Rosacea, eczema, skin irritations, or new tattoos. Don’t take my word for it, Just ENTER HERE!

I used to live in the deserts of Nevada. They say it’s a dry heat, and it is. But that dry heat and intense sun reeks havoc on everyone’s skin. This amazing product is such a relief to all of us who live in any harsh climates. Especially, for those who work in the heat day after day. I just got my first shipment today and am so ready to try it. So looking forward to getting great results like that I’ve heard about. Not one single bottle of product has been returned! I would say that is a pretty high standard in the world of skincare.

Here are some key reasons why you should give all natural skin balm this a shot.

  • Formulated & Manufactured right here in the good old USA – In fact, the founders, Alma & Amber, truly strive to keep this an American product.
  • Crafted by Estheticians – who better to create this product than those who use it in their businesses with their clients?
  • Medical Grade – It’s actually been available for 4 years in professional settings, but just now it is being released to the Public.
  • All-natural Ingredients – The list of ingredients are simple, clean ingredients that, by themselves, promote healing. This blend works to give you the best results!
  • No Toxins – You will not find parabens, harsh chemical additives, or dyes in the ingredients.
  • No Laboratory Animal Testing – True animal lovers here! No harm to animals for testing.

Heals as it Hydrates

Most balms only briefly relieve pain while slightly rehydrating. But…once it enters your skin, the effects basically over and done. Petroleum is the foundation of most lotions and balms. This is essentially stopping it from being absorbed by your skin. That is nothing but counter productive. Even worse, petroleum based products prevent your skin from breathing. This skin-rehydrating balm encourages healing while rehydrating. Eczema is always rough and inflamed before applying this balm, as seen in before and after photos. The healing process is shown by the absence of redness. Even customers who used it to treat diaper rash provided excellent comments.

So Many Uses For This All-Natural Skincare Balm!

Use this balm when undergoing any micro needling, tattoos or laser treatments, or even PMU (permanent make-up). Healing times are reduced from a standard 14-30 days down to just 7 days without any scabbing! We love that this is so amazing and you can use this everyday.

It will be your “go-to” due to its many uses. it’s a very portable item and will fit just about anywhere, such as a purse, carry-on, or even a diaper bag! Wondering if this would help with other skin problems, such as rashes, razor burns, or even sunburn, ABSOLUTELY! Oh, Darlin, How about those sensitive skin regions that are covered covered in stretchmarks? Do you frequently get ingrown hairs? Then it’s time to test this skin-nourishing balm!

Nurses, caretakers, and restaurant employees: Your hands are always raw as a result of constant washing? Yes, you should use this skin-nourishing balm as well. Do you actually know a patient who develops bed sores? They may be searching for something similar to this.

Were healing the outside, now lets work on the inside

Why am I always so excited to spread the word about this incredible skin balm??? The reason is right before your eyes. We have found a product that works on keeping your outside healed and looking good. Also we have a line of health products that are truly remarkable in how they keep you sharper, more focused, sleeping better. That’s right, we have the inside of your body covered also. We have literally found the Youth in these products. You owe it to yourself to check them all out right here. Try a snap and fall in love